  Felt Without An End
  Best Before September
Participatory projects
  Woven Network Nordics
    The Kintsugi Project
  Seven Artists – Seven Colours
  *  Edit Palestine
    100 Meters
    Ramallah Trondheim Series
    Apertura Namdalseid
    Bridging Zip-Code 65
    Three Ways of Framing
    My home
    These Were Not Chosen
    Things Tend To Be Different Than You Think
    Invisible Visible
    Women in Health- and Care Work
Photographic works
  Focen Faces
  Frontline Cleaning Workers
    East Jerusalem, Palestine
    Palestinian Gestures
    Away Game
    Truth On The Ground
    On/Off Stage
    Documenting While Caring
    Easter Parade Behind the Wall
    Occupied West Bank Scouts
    Migrant Women
    Icelandic Encounters
  Labour Day
  Reykjavik Riots
Artist's books



Keep on writing (2019)
brynhild bye-tiller
brynhild bye-tiller brynhild bye-tiller brynhild bye-tiller brynhild bye-tiller brynhild bye-tiller brynhild bye-tiller
Participation & Text & Book  

NORWAY: What are your thoughts about East Jerusalem?

The public were invited to participate in a text-based workshop called "Keep on writing". All kinds of texts were welcome, both short and long reflections, personal thoughts or descriptions of East Jerusalem, Palestine. More than 30 texts became a part of the exhibition and a redacted version of the book "East Jerusalem, Palestine". All contributions can be seen in the book. (Opens in New Window)

KEEP ON WRITING was a part of the exhibition "Participatory observation and documentary methods in Edit Palestine" by the artist Brynhild Bye-Tiller.


Exhibition period: October 26th - 24th November 2019.  

Document archive:

List of works

Invitation exhibition

Poster text workshop






East Jerusalem, Palestine

A book about Jerusalem. Text by Balqees Rjoub and photographies by Brynhild Bye-Tiller. Translation by Nariman Sharawneh.

Note! A new version of the book is now available. With contributions from the Norwegian public.

Feature and details
Size standard landscap 10x8 in, 25x20 cm
70 pages
Hardcover, Dust Jacket

Preview/Order (Opens in new window)

Venue: Heimdal Art Association  


5 art works:
1. A photographic series Palestinian gestures with 19 color photographs
2. A text workshop Keep on Writing
3. A book East Jerusalem, Palestine
4. An assembly of 19 pictures and 19 texts East Jerusalem, Palestine
A lecture





Press and media
Klassekampen 31.10.2019   Heimdalsbladet #13 2019 s. 42   Pressemelding oktober 2019   Dag og tid 01.11.2019   Subjekt 21.10.2019